„7500”: movie review


We've been hosting my aunt at our place for the past two weeks. One of her hobbies is watching action movies. She doesn't speak English, so only films with Polish dubbing are an option. We have access to Netflix and Amazon Prime (the latter recently offered me another free trial month - gotta take advantage of that).

We've already drained Netflix of practically all Polish-language films. Prime offered a new glimmer of hope. Admittedly, filtering movies with Polish dubbing on Amazon platform feels a bit like riding a unicycle backwards down slippery stone steps while simultaneously crocheting Chinese pamphlets with your left hand and playing Paganini on the bagpipes with your right - tricky, but doable. I might even write a separate post about that someday.

With the language constraint, the selection isn't exactly overwhelming. After scrolling through kilometers of suggestions, I finally managed to spot a gem. I'm talking about the 2019 Austrian-German-American production titled "7500."

Apart from a very short intro and the final moments, the entire movie takes place inside the cockpit of an Airbus A319 flying from Berlin to Paris. You might almost think it's a low-budget production.

What sets "7500" apart from classic action flicks is its attention to detail and authenticity. There are virtually no special effects. Even though the story is entirely fictional, everything shown on screen could happen in real life - which is quite unsettling.

The premise?

A passenger flight. Two pilots: in the left seat, Michael - played by the completely unfamiliar Karlo Kitzlinger. Michael's an older guy, clearly very experienced, and seems slightly bored with the job. The co-pilot (Tobias) is played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Tobias is much younger, with only ten years of experience.

Shortly after takeoff, terrorists attempt to hijack the plane. Gaining access to the cockpit is practically impossible, except for a very brief moment when a flight attendant serves water and sandwiches to the pilots. Suddenly, everything turns upside down... and I won't spoil the rest - it's better left as a surprise.

Personally, I give the film a 10/10, mainly for its realistic portrayal of human reactions in extreme situations. The character of Tobias is, in my opinion, crafted phenomenally. I think I'll watch it again someday.


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