Reading updates

I recently finished "Pan Lodowego Ogrodu" for the umpteenth time. And for the umpteenth time, I must admit that I don't know what it is about this book that makes it impossible for me to put it on the "read, do not return" shelf. I know I'll reach for it again in a few months.

I've talked about the book with a few locals and am increasingly surprised that there's still no English translation. Damn it - the novel has won a heap of awards, and it's practically begging for a Western market version. Someday, when I'm filthy rich, I'll hire some renowned translator and gift the world with a version in Yeats' language. For now, I satisfy myself with the Polish original, which despite many readings has not lost any of its freshness.

On a different note - I'm finishing listening to "Soul Music". The Audioteka version, read by Maciej Kowalik. A brilliant narrator for this text - he can play with his voice so that you immediately know which character is speaking, as well as their emotional and often physical state. Plus, Mr. Kowalik at the speed of x1.25 (my default audiobook speed in Audioteka) sounds a bit as if he's inhaled helium, which would be a bit annoying if it weren't for the fact that it's the Discworld 🙂 A masterpiece by the now unfortunately deceased Master; also one of the titles I like to refresh from time to time.

In terms of new reads - I'm reading "City on Mars" by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith. Fresh and still crunchy. A hilarious read, yet packed to the brim with a multitude of scientific facts. The review will follow in a couple of days, as it's quite a hefty volume.

The pile of shame keeps growing - and judging by the current trend, it will do so until I die, even if I live to be a hundred. Such seems to be the fate of bookworms. I stopped worrying about it a long time ago.

Boni made the cover for "Labyrinth", whose third (and supposedly last) part is still being written and according to current forecasts should be available around Q1 2024. Oh, the tension!

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