Para w ruch: jeszcze jeden cytat

Tym razem o urokach bycia turyst膮 w gro藕nych g贸rach:

"[...]some possibly foolhardy tourists did come to Zemphis on their way to see the Paps of Scilla, a jagged mountain range which allowed the determined mountaineer an absolute smorgasbord of ways to be found upside down above a crevasse and hanging by one leg over white water that acted like the mother of all grinders."

Bardzo mi si臋 贸w cytat podoba, zw艂aszcza dlatego, 偶e dzi臋ki niemu pozna艂em s艂贸wko "smorgasbord", brzmi膮ce w mym uchu raczej skandynawsko 馃槈

Ot, co.

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