Zawsze kusi艂o mnie, 偶eby zaopatrzy膰 si臋 w klawiatur臋 typu TKL, ale jako艣 nigdy nie mia艂em ku temu odpowiedniego impulsu. Jaki艣 czas temu jednak jedna z moich st...
Zawsze kusi艂o mnie, 偶eby zaopatrzy膰 si臋 w klawiatur臋 typu TKL, ale jako艣 nigdy nie mia艂em ku temu odpowiedniego impulsu. Jaki艣 czas temu jednak jedna z moich st...
Andy Weir wrote "Artemis" on the success of "The Martian". I've been meaning to read it for quite some time, but was put off by the overwhelmingly unflattering ...
Andy Weir napisa艂 "Artemis" na fali sukcesu "Marsjanina". Mia艂em zamiar si臋gn膮膰 po ni膮 ju偶 do艣膰 dawno, ale odstr臋cza艂y mnie przewa偶aj膮ce niezbyt pochlebne opini...
Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schr枚dinger died in 1961. Even assuming the cat was a long-lived Siamese breed, the beast has been dead for at least 40 years. Joke...
I had never heard of Blake Crouch before. I found out about this book by reading an interview with Andy Weir ("The Martian", "Artemis", "Project Hail Mary" and ...
Why mini? Because each episode is about 20 minutes long, so the whole first season can be easily watched in two and a half hours, with loo breaks. "Staged" is a...